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Decision theory - renewing the empirical study of CRIME economic behavior 

מאת    [ 26/08/2019 ]

מילים במאמר: 587   [ נצפה 1841 פעמים ]

Decision theory – renewing the empirical study of CRIME economic behavior

The purpose of the present study and the guiding line in this article is to accept the re-evaluation of social behavior in decision theory. The subject analysis in this article focuses on to understand better the white collar criminality in Israel decision analysis a new approach and the Republic of Moldova.  The outcome of the study is to produce the necessary steps to reduce the phenomenon of WCC crime in Israel and the Republic of Moldova.  In order to obtain this purpose the author has performed the systematization of the fact that  above  80 percent of  decision makers rely on intuiting rather than rational choice in fact and their further analysis.

The author gives the answer on the questions which were considered to be the most disputable in the early studies, in the field of economics decisions, which represents that  criminality has corresponded the rational assumption behavior of the criminal, who examines the strategic cost versus benefit from perpetration of the offence . There have been formulated the fact that it is improper to talk about rationality decision in WCC crime (for example of tender crimes) in Israel and the Republic of Moldova, because of  a re-evaluation of what rational decision-making requires.

The biggest attention has been spared to the aspect that represents the Psychological-economic aspect of decision behavior, for describing how people choose between alternatives and evaluate potential losses – because the rational procedure can not identify, and to choose the one action that causes a rise to the highest total ‘expected value gains’.

The Author formulates the  Meaning that  the WCC manage risk and uncertainty crime decisions according  three regularities: 1. Losses loom higher than gains; 2. Persons focus more on change in their utility states than they focus on absolute utilities; 3.The estimation of      subjective probabilities is severely biased by. Conclusions proposed in the result of the article represent not only the theoretical but the evident empirical importance.

Thus, the guiding line in this article is to accept the re-evaluation of social behavior in decision theory. The subject analysis in this article focuses on how to understand the non-rational (Intuitive) decision analysis by criminal elements in Israel and the Republic of Moldova.

In order to deal with my research subject of reduction of the possibility of crime in general and winning tenders by law offenders in particular, in Israel and the Republic of Moldova, this article makes it possible to deal with law offenders in Israel and the Republic of Moldovafrom the aspect of making choices under uncertainty. The non-rationality aspect of the Prospect Theory of Kahneman & Tversky, that represents the heart of decision theory, and not with the assumptions of perfect information and rationality.

Key-words: white-collar criminal (WCC); isolated phenomenon; decision theory; decision analysis; Prospect Theory; Psychological-economic aspect; Intuition thoughts; making choices under uncertainty; Heuristic behavioral; non-rationality theory; risk-seeking behavior; evaluate and potential losses commit the crime; tender crimes; probability information in the mind; re-evaluation of social behavior.

For a more extensive explanation, you can go to the link in the second class of my article list






Date: 26.8.2019






יעקב רוב





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